Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Christmas 2013

Be happy, be thankful be grateful be blessed.

Today has been a great day filled with family and laughter and I just couldn't be more pleased. Yesterday was an awful day for me, feeling super down, one of those days I could have used some anger management. Every little detail that I didn't like or agree with, I was up in arms about it.

Despite the setback today was amazing and I am thankful. I was very happy to see my family, we do not all get together very often. This is something I plan to change when I start my own family. Big family get togethers! As often as possible! No love needs to go to waste!


Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Unjust judgement < Love

The judgement people pass is unfortunate. I don't have the thoughts put together properly in my head yet to process.. How can you judge something you know nothing about?

When people say things like "I wish I had the time to do that?" when referring to the makeup people do on themselves. It's all too little anything positive like "look at the time and effort you put into this". Did the negative aggressor ever stop to think that the time and effort put into it is pure and raw talent.
Or how about when someone says, "I wish I had a job where I could take pictures of myself" as if it is a negative thing to boast about enjoying where you are and the work you're doing. Ever think maybe you just hate your job and your time management doesn't allow time to do the things you enjoy and are hating others for it?!

Just a rant because I'm sick of all the negativity. Smile and be happy for the things you do have. Love the life you live and live to love your life.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Extreme Cheapskates

I have recently watched a few or more episodes  of a tv series called 'Extreme Cheapskates'. I must say more than most of these "habits" are rash, disgusting, shocking, and extreme.

Peeing in a bottle, not to have to flush the toilet, saving 5 dollars a month? I'd rather pay the extra money and reassure myself of good hygiene and cleanliness.
Asking people if you can throw in some of your laundry with them at the laundromat? Again, hygiene.. Not to mention that secret stow away of that strangers underwear in your t-shirt you may find. And what does that save you? Two dollars?! Save the two dollars on the dryer and hang your clothes to dry.
Washing dishes in your childs' outdoor play pool that they've been playing in all day. Germs. How does that make them clean? Don't mind the dirt, grass and kiddie urine on your glass, we mixed dish soap in there too! That is one house I will gladly not be invited to eat dinner at.
FEEDING CAT FOOD TO YOUR HUSBAND TO SAVE 30 CENTS. A woman honestly fed her husband a cat food tuna sandwich because the wet tuna flavored cat food was cheaper than actual tuna. And he had no idea!? Now this show is a joke and scam or some people are honestly this cheap and that stupid.

However, being a hunter for a great deal and bargain, always looking for ways to save money, it was interesting to see how the 'Extreme' do it.
I will never be able to bring myself to do some of the things I've seen some people do on this show, but in one episode, a woman did had some good information for people to know. Hopefully it won't be used to such extremes, especially if you have sleeping family and neighbors.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Veggie Dinner

MEATLESS chicken nuggets. So dang good! Don't knock them until you try em!
Green beans, mushrooms and garlic, mashed potatoes.. It is a good day in my books; Sunday is always family dinner night. I didn't eat all day so that I can stuff my face with this delicious feast! Come on! T minus 2 minutes!

For you vegetarians out there who haven't heard of these meatless nuggets, you're missing out! Do some research, there are different brands for you to choose from!

Thursday, 5 December 2013

It's Been On My Mind.

I'm having issues taming this thought tonight.. You called it a family but it's not. You said you had a dark side, well I saw it. You said it was the drinking, but that's when the truth always comes out.. I can't explain why this makes me so sad..

It's like when you're caught in the middle and can't say a word. It's even harder knowing saying anything wouldn't make a difference. I've been here before. I'm supposed to just deal with it and it's completely unfair. Everyone is getting something I've put so much heart and effort into.

I really miss honesty, loyalty, trust. And I feel I deserve it. Just as well as everyone else.

A Good Read: Chuck Palahniuk

One of my favorite books of all time, 'Survivor' by Chuck Palahniuk.

For all you readers out there who haven't heard of him (author of  'Fight Club'), or this book, I strongly suggest reading it! Imaginative, brilliant, apocalyptic! Such a great read, which is no surprise to me because his talent and imagination is shown in all of his work. Go out and pick up this book today!

Not much else to say! I'm caught up reading this fantastic novel, again!

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Relentless Brain

I think in another life I was born in a land where people function at night the way we do in the daylight. (I say we, but I have clearly excluded myself in reality). During the day I find myself almost, less attentive, rather than in the night when most are ready to sleep and shut off.

It never turns off, never shuts down, but in the morning it slows down. I am not a dumb person, but don't confuse things I have never claimed to be a genius, I am not ignorant to the facts I do NOT know.

So it's time for bed, and my relentless brain decides it's time to go into overdrive. Sometimes it's hard to even get through one thought without trailing off onto another. In fact, all the time, but when trying to focus on one particular thing just so I can say it, type it, do it? Very trying. When trying to sleep (without prescription sleeping medication), impossible. I can lay awake for hours just going in circles trailing from one thought to the next.. Sometimes it's the most meaningless things that lead to important things, and vise versa.

For all the night owls out there with the same problem let's start a buzz! What kind of remedies have you come across to calm the mind? How have you tamed this problem before? Has one way worked for you one day and not the next? Tell me all about it!

Monday, 2 December 2013

Laughter; The Gift

Laughter truly is a gift.

Night after night I find myself laughing out loud at comical videos, even while I'm alone. And it's while I'm alone cackling like a witch at these videos that I realized how much of a gift it is.
Anytime I'm having a bad day and something happens to make me crack up, I'm instantly in a better mood. Even if I'm not feeling top notch, just that small moment of laughter, it brought happiness and joy.
Isn't that something you wish you could just share with everyone? Even if you could just remind someone that a little laughter goes a long way, (because you don't know what kind of comedy tickles their fancy), I'm sure they'd be able to reminisce in their being that in turn brings them joy. Remind everyone, family, friends, and strangers.
"Laughter is a gift, that goes a long way!"

Perhaps I'm a dreamer, perhaps I live in a make believe land.. Where people can be happy because of simple things, and humans could spread peace and cheer amongst themselves. I don't see that as a bad thing, I guess I'd rather be a dreamer than a human.

Vegetarian Feed.

As a vegetarian of over 20 years, I have many helpful tips to keep newcomers from becoming sick.
I am by no means an expert or nutritionist, so any one looking into cutting meat out of their diet.. research, research, research! And most definitely consult a doctor. This is a common step NOT taken, that should be. Your body needs to be supported by a proper diet, and possibly vitamins. (Why I suggest speaking to a doctor).

Tip of the day : Adding chick peas to a salad is a healthy high fiber filler, you can also add nuts for protein and crunch.

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Anger management

So before I explode with anger, I decided it was time for a new blog.

So many little things bother me to the point of such bad anger and frustration. Is it because the little things are the most important to me? Such as a simple phone call to say that plans have been canceled or changed. Especially before 5 minutes to the time of plans.
Such as friends actually knowing the meaning or friendship. Things like loyalty and honesty, should come easily as a friend. These days it seems more important to other people to please themselves. The selfishness of some people makes me sick.
Is it too hard to throw a smile at a stranger who looks like their having a bad day rather than the finger? Is it too hard to say excuse me when passing someone inconveniently, or apologize when bumping into you or knocking your arm?
What had this world come to? When it's too hard to say you're sorry when wrong, when pride, vanity and ego mean more than courage, bravery, nobility, and honor.
How are such little things that seem so easy, become swept under the rug? These little things are so much more important to me than any amount of ego or pride. Just maybe that's why it is so frustrating; humanity just doesn't care.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Makeup buzz.

Make up trick or tip?

Hairspraying your face after you have finished your makeup, as if you would do to your hair to keep fly always in place, helps to keep makeup in place. It also helps keep makeup on, even while sweating or light rain.

This tip is extra helpful for those who tend to get a little sweaty in warm weather.. Just remember to wash your face! Not only will it hold makeup in place, it will hold dirt on your pores causing those unpleasant breakouts.

This can be the ultimate makeup up tip, if you remember it is not for daily use and keep your face clean.. However don't let this new information trick you, keep your eyes closed while spraying!

Just Another Night in the Life

I'd like it if I had nights like this to share and spend with someone. Lately it seems like all hope is lost, trying to make myself vulnerable in hopes to find the right one who won't tare me down.. They've all torn me down. I just want someone to snuggle in a warm cozy bed, with hot chocolate, and good movies. 
And if it's not too much to ask, long beard and even longer hair. 

Xo Cally AnnaMae ~

Friday, 22 November 2013

Love note

It's the hardest thing to watch someone you love, love someone else. It's even harder to live watching it. It is allowed to hurt. It's not wrong that it makes you feel unworthy. The key is to remember that letting go and allowing someone you love to be happy, will in turn come back to you in another soul. You need to keep an open mind to the idea of another bigger and better love will come. When that hope is gone, so are the chances of ever finding it..
At least that's what I tell myself to keep going. I will love you until the end of time, I will think of you every day... I will live knowing that I was and am blessed to have had the opportunity of knowing a love so real, in a person so amazing and beautiful inside and out. I will live with the hope, that one day, I will have that again.
I am forever happy, as long as you are.

This is dedicated to a very special someone.

Monday, 18 November 2013

First blog, opening my mind.

I've always wanted to write in a blog, but not exactly knowing where to start, or wondering about who would even read it, left me at a standstill. However, tonight I'm letting go of the doubt that this may not reach someone or relate to someone, and just doing it for me. 
Not a day, nor night go by that I do not subconsciously let my mind drift into a depth of wonders I'll seem to never figure out. Not everything needs an answer, some things truly are better left unsaid, untold.. But what about misunderstood? A misunderstood question can lead you to misconstrued answers. The kind of answers I find nonsatisfactory, the kind MY brain likes to entertain, even if small, obscure and random. 
So I leave you with one of many, tonight's thoughts..

I've heard to never give up on something you believe in.. But when is it enough? What if it doesn't believe in you? What if giving up, meant letting something new in, instead of letting something die? What if giving up was actually just moving on, and letting yourself live? 
