The judgement people pass is unfortunate. I don't have the thoughts put together properly in my head yet to process.. How can you judge something you know nothing about?
When people say things like "I wish I had the time to do that?" when referring to the makeup people do on themselves. It's all too little anything positive like "look at the time and effort you put into this". Did the negative aggressor ever stop to think that the time and effort put into it is pure and raw talent.
Or how about when someone says, "I wish I had a job where I could take pictures of myself" as if it is a negative thing to boast about enjoying where you are and the work you're doing. Ever think maybe you just hate your job and your time management doesn't allow time to do the things you enjoy and are hating others for it?!
Just a rant because I'm sick of all the negativity. Smile and be happy for the things you do have. Love the life you live and live to love your life.
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